Lettres Mobiles

Glyphorama Workshop / Quickstart Typedesign with Glyphs


Workshop length: 3 days

Organization: Barbedor Paris

Next dates: October 13-15, 2023

Reserve my spot

Workshop description

Glyphorama invites you to discover typedesign using the Glyphs software. In this intensive 3-day workshop, you'll be introduced to the main aspects of typographic creation, from using Bézier curves to managing metrics and kerning. The goal is to give you a clear and solid foundation, while offering individualized assistance, to broaden your creative skill set.

Who is this workshop for?

French speaking workshop. This workshop is ideal for graphic designers wishing to develop their own fonts for brand identity creation, as well as for illustrators wanting to integrate a typographic dimension into their work. It's recommended to be comfortable with design software and to own a Mac with a demo version of Glyphs installed.

Appelez-moi pour un atelier !
Vous souhaitez amener l'expérience de ces workshops dans votre ville, votre entreprise ou votre établissement ? Contactez-moi pour discuter des possibilités d'organiser l'un de ces ateliers. Ce sera un plaisir de collaborer avec et partager mon savoir-faire !

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